Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Center of the Universe


Not much news to tell but things are going great.  I've settled into a routine... helping with ESL and science every day, childcare on Monday nights and reading club on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.  ISP's on the weekends!  I've now officially completed my 80 required ISP hours.  It's a good feeling!  Now I can still do ISPs if I want, but they're not required.

Our first Center ISP was at La Puente, an emergency shelter and food kitchen in Alamosa.  We helped prepare and serve lunch for a crowd!  It was really fun.

The next weekend we helped the San Luis Valley begin setting up their new ReStore.  It was nice to be working with Habitat again!  And nice to be working as a team... we are all split up between different classrooms at the school.  Both of these photos were taken by Láni. =)

     ESL is really interesting.  Right now we're reading the poems of Gary Soto and Sandra Cisneros... I highly recommend them! We're working hard to analyze the poems... it is something that the students will need to know how to do on their upcoming TCAP tests.  The TCAP's are 4 days of state testing that helps determine where the students are at and what kind of funding the school will get.  That's what we'll be helping with during our last week here, and then the kids will go on spring break and we'll go back to Denver. 

     The science fair that I've been helping students prepare for is on Friday.  I am nervous and excited to see how they do!

     Yesterday was the first day of reading club, and I love it.  We have about ten 5th graders attending.  Some are there because they absolutely love to read and can't get enough of it... and some are there because their parents are making them come!  I'm especially excited to get those ones excited about books.  We're going to read The Pinballs by Betsy Byars together.  

      Not much else to tell!  Helping Habitat again this weekend and hopefully going to the Great National Sand Dunes.  Bye for now!

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