Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Settling In


     I spent the rest of my weekend continuing to settle into my house and explore.  We checked out an awesome cafe in the nearby mountain town of Del Norte called Peace of Art Cafe.  It had yummy food and lots of cool souvenirs!

on our way we found the welcome sign...

and got a closer look at the nearby mountains.  I'm sorry this blog is being taken over by pictures of the Rockies.  But they are so pretty.

outside the cafe


Hopefully we'll be able to explore the other neighboring towns soon... Monte Vista and Alamosa. 

On Monday we started work at the school.  For most of the day, I am helping in an English as a Second Language class for middle schoolers and high schoolers.  And for a few hours in the afternoon, I help in a middle school science class.  After school on Mondays I help provide childcare for kids whose parents are taking parenting classes.  On other days I tutor, and I'm trying to help get a reading club started.  

Even though it's pretty busy, I really like the work so far.  The staff and kids are really cool.  And I'm glad to be having classroom experiences, since I'm still thinking about becoming a teacher.  The community continues to be very welcoming... we found a box full of homemade fruit breads on our doorstep yesterday after work!  

Happy Valentines Day!  <3

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