Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just kidding!


My camping trip actually got delayed because of snow in the mountains.  We hiked some tools into our work site on Monday, and we were hiking through a foot of snow!  It was pretty crazy, especially considering that it was a fairly mild day down in town, only a two hour drive away. 

We spent the week back on Barr Trial, continuing the same kind of work we were doing before.  More steps, more tread work!  It felt good to get even farther than we thought we could and really have time to perfect some sections.  We also got to spend a day working with RMFI and community volunteers at the Garden of the Gods.  There were some spots where users had gone off established trails and caused a lot of erosion, so we spent the day passing buckets of dirt along a fire line to fill those holes in.  Moral of the story... stay on established trails!  =)

We're all packed up and ready to head out tomorrow.  The weather forecast is pretty good, except for snow and cold temps on Wednesday.  Hopefully we won't have to delay any longer or come back early.  I'm excited to start our work, and excited to tent camp for the first time. 

I found out what project I should have for my next (and final!) round.  I'll be heading to Brazos Bend State Park near Houston, Texas to build trail and work in the nature center.  I'm really excited to take a fun road trip, get out of Colorado and continue environmental work!  And be near some Texas family. =)  That said, I could get swapped to a different project at the last minute like I was last time.  Nothing is certain until you are in the van starting your journey there.  Actually, you're not even safe then.  Haha.  Nothing is certain, ever.  But that's okay. 

I'm getting really excited to attend MSU and be back near family and friends.  Happy where I am though, and thankful for all these opportunities. 

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