Thursday, June 27, 2013

Change of Plans

     So it turns out there has been a change of plans! Yesterday around lunch time, my team and I were informed that we needed to leave Brazos Bend and head to Oklahoma City to help with tornado recovery efforts. Federal agencies are only slated to be in Oklahoma City until July 9, and we are needed to help with this transition period of federal agencies handing over relief and long term recovery efforts to local organizations. So we packed up yesterday, drove to Oklahoma today, and here I am!

     It was a little sad to leave Brazos Bend, especially on such short notice. We had finished a gravel project for them the day before, but yesterday morning (not yet knowing about disaster) got a bridge project going that we couldn't stay to finish. We also didn't get to say goodbye in person to everyone we worked with, or spend time with Fire 2, a team near Austin who was going to come visit us in just a few days.

     However, I am excited about this new project! It seems like it will be a whirlwind of change, travel and activity, which should help my last month of service go by very quickly. Tonight we are staying in a dorm at Oklahoma University, but tomorrow we will have to move into a gymnasium where we will set up cots. I don't know a lot about our work yet, but it seems we will work long days 6 days a week, and do mostly administrative work.  Tomorrow I will begin work at the Joint Field Office.

     It's funny how much can change in just 24 hours. Like my teammate Audra said, "it wouldn't be AmeriCorps without one last twist at the end!". This should be the last twist she's talking about... right? :) You never know.

     I'm not sure if my next housing will have wifi, but I will post updates when I can. Bye for now!

Sunday, June 23, 2013



     A lot has happened since my last update.  It took us a few weeks, but we finished clearing the vegetation in the potential trail area.  The park likely won't know whether or not it will become a trail until long after we leave, but it was still a good feeling to reach the finish line. 
Here's most of us with our supervisor at the end of our "trail".  You can't tell through the trees, but the end of where we cleared was this bluff that overlooks a small river.

 It took blood, sweat and tears to get there.  But mostly sweat.  Lots of sweat.

     Since we finished clearing the trail area, we have started spreading gravel onto an existing trail that needs some TLC.  It is nice to not have to wear long sleeves to work anymore (we wore those in the denser area to protect us from poison ivy and poison oak).  It's also great to be out and about in the park, interacting with other volunteers. We will continue to spread gravel and hope to build a few bridges during the remainder of our time here.  Only 3 more weeks before we head back to Denver!  I'll have about 2 weeks there of out-processing, debriefs and goodbyes, and then I'll head home. =)

     The location of our project has given me some really fun opportunities on the weekends.  My aunt and uncle who live in Houston took me out to lunch recently.  It was great to see them!  

Another weekend, my team and I went downtown and saw a USA vs. Ireland rugby game.  I had never experienced rugby before, and it was pretty cool to watch!  Before the game, we got to explore Rice Village, a cute part of Houston near Rice University.  Can you see the photobomber behind us? Haha.

We had a great view of Houston's skyline over the BBVA Compass Stadium.

Then this weekend I got to travel around eastern Texas visiting relatives from my dad's side of the family whom I hadn't seen since I was a toddler.  It was so wonderful to see them and get to know them better!

     Well, that's all for now!  I'll leave you with some alligator glamour shots I got to take last week. 

Most often, I just see their eyes above the water like this before they slowly, silently sink out of sight.

So I was surprised when I saw this lil mama!  She was the first one I had seen completely out of the water.

She surprised me further by laying down and posing in the black-eyed susans.  Work it, work it girl!


Sunday, June 2, 2013

First Week at BBSP


     My first week of work at Brazos Bend went pretty well.  After enjoying Memorial Day weekend, we spent 3 days clearing vegetation from the area where we hope we will be able to put the new trail.  It is a little odd to be doing this work while not knowing whether or not we will be allowed to put a trail there.  However, even if we don't, having the vegetation cleared will benefit the park.  The trail is right by their property line, and it is always good to have access to that.  That cleared space can also serve as a fire line.  We have our fingers crossed that we will get to build, though!

 This is what we faced on our first day.  For the first few hundred yards, all we had to do was trim the branches on both sides of the path.  It was already mostly cleared here because BBSP used to be a cattle ranch, and this was one of the cattle paths.  That was just 25 years ago, the park is fairly young.  However, a few hundred yards down, the path disappeared and we faced young trees and dense vegetation.  It will get denser and denser until we reach our end goal, about 3 miles away.

That's where the chainsaws came in! I was really glad to learn to chainsaw this week.

     Clearing the vegetation is enjoyable, but it is hot, hard work.  I got poison ivy and insect bites, along with many other members of my team.  Taking all that into account, we were given some lighter work for Friday.  I painted some signs and replaced old fire rings.  It was a nice break!

 A beautiful view at Elm Lake, one of the many lakes in the park.

     This weekend I got my hair cut to shoulder length to combat the Texas heat, and today we are in town to grocery shop.  I got some good medicine for the bug bites and poison ivy!  Thanks Hanna. =) Hopefully I'll be able to post again next weekend.