Sunday, June 2, 2013

First Week at BBSP


     My first week of work at Brazos Bend went pretty well.  After enjoying Memorial Day weekend, we spent 3 days clearing vegetation from the area where we hope we will be able to put the new trail.  It is a little odd to be doing this work while not knowing whether or not we will be allowed to put a trail there.  However, even if we don't, having the vegetation cleared will benefit the park.  The trail is right by their property line, and it is always good to have access to that.  That cleared space can also serve as a fire line.  We have our fingers crossed that we will get to build, though!

 This is what we faced on our first day.  For the first few hundred yards, all we had to do was trim the branches on both sides of the path.  It was already mostly cleared here because BBSP used to be a cattle ranch, and this was one of the cattle paths.  That was just 25 years ago, the park is fairly young.  However, a few hundred yards down, the path disappeared and we faced young trees and dense vegetation.  It will get denser and denser until we reach our end goal, about 3 miles away.

That's where the chainsaws came in! I was really glad to learn to chainsaw this week.

     Clearing the vegetation is enjoyable, but it is hot, hard work.  I got poison ivy and insect bites, along with many other members of my team.  Taking all that into account, we were given some lighter work for Friday.  I painted some signs and replaced old fire rings.  It was a nice break!

 A beautiful view at Elm Lake, one of the many lakes in the park.

     This weekend I got my hair cut to shoulder length to combat the Texas heat, and today we are in town to grocery shop.  I got some good medicine for the bug bites and poison ivy!  Thanks Hanna. =) Hopefully I'll be able to post again next weekend.

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