Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Last Post


     I am writing my last post today, from my home in Michigan.  I arrived home late Friday night, and was welcomed at the airport by Chris and my family.

     My last week in Denver wrapped up well.  We had a lot of cleaning to do and some meetings to attend, but we also got time to celebrate and say goodbye to each other.  I got to go on one last hike, go downtown one last time, and have a beach day at Boulder Reservoir.  We also had a dinner banquet and a graduation ceremony.  I felt sad to say goodbye to Denver, the mountains, and the friends I've made, but I know I'll see them all again someday.  Plus, I was so happy to come home, and I'm excited for my next adventure... college.

     Here's a video that my teammate Láni made to show our time in Brazos Bend and Oklahoma City.
     And here's a slideshow created by Alisa Hills that played at our graduation, showing snippets from the whole year.  I'm in it a few times.
    And here's the before and after picture of my work boots that I promised at the beginning of the year. =)

     Not as bad as I thought they'd be!  But they've seen a lot.  For people finding this blog who are thinking about NCCC, I hope my posts are helpful to you.  And if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at .  Thanks to everybody who followed my adventures and offered love and support this year. =) You guys are awesome, and made my experience so much better.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Where I've Been and What I've Learned


This is the first of a few wrap up posts I plan on doing.  I want this blog to be helpful for anyone who's considering doing NCCC, so I thought some overview of my year as a whole would be helpful.

That said, here's a map I made of where I got to go this year: .  Woohoo!  :) It was the most travelling I've ever done, and I had a lot of fun doing it... for free!

And here's a pretty cheesy list of things I've learned/new experiences gained/things I've gotten better at this year, in no particular order!

Technical Skills:
using a nail gun and staple gun
walking on roofs
reading maps
CPR & First Aid
using a hammer and shovel (effectively)
mold suppression
framing a house
putting on snow chains
changing a flat tire
using a circular saw, reciprocating saw, chain saw and pole saw
making double sided copies
sending faxes
using a mccloud, tamper and rock bar
using a hand frame drill
using loppers
driving gators
driving 15 passenger vans
using a sledgehammer
administrative skills
Google Docs

Life Skills:
living on a budget
being a good roommate
taking quick showers
making contacts with nonprofits
setting up volunteer opportunities for myself and others
facilitating service learning
living minimally
knowing what I really need
use the restroom every time you stop the car. even if you don't think you need to.  you do.
becoming a better cook
grocery shopping and cooking for 8-10 people
finding the cheapest, cutest postcards and souvenirs
free sticker hunting
adjusting to different altitudes, attitudes, time zones and cultures
dorm life
baking bread from Lani
yoga from Erin
navigating public transportation
standing on the subway
exercising regularly
putting my hair in a bun
the cup game
packing and flying efficiently

Abstract Skills Improved/Knowledge Gained About:
being honest about feelings
managing long-distance friendships and relationships
embracing diversity
the non-profit world
disaster relief
humane societies
state parks
being flexible
exploring where you are, taking advantage of what's around you
introducing yourself
tea @ Celestial Seasonings factory
Habitat for Humanity
surviving wildlife
professional meetings

Miscellaneous New Experiences/Silly Stuff:
corn hole (Oklahoma game)
rosebud thorn debriefs
Dunkin Donuts
Ethiopian food
Senegalese food
New York pizza and Bagels

It's not to say that I wouldn't have gained any of these things without NCCC.  I think this being my first year away from home played a big part.  However, I got to interact with so many different people, places and organizations.  Every day was an opportunity to learn, and I'm so thankful for that.

I'll finish out with a few pictures Audra took during our time in Oklahoma.  I kind of slacked in that department.  Thanks Audra!

Cubicle life! haha.  Audra was right across from me, and we felt like the neighbors in Home Improvement when we peeked over the wall to talk to eachother. She caught me when I wasn't looking.

I didn't know she took this one. I like how you can see the water tower. :)

     It's been a nice few days relaxing, and tomorrow things will pick up a bit and meetings will start.  It's been so good to have time to catch up with my friends here I haven't seen in 8 weeks.  And in 9 days, I'll get to catch up with loved ones I haven't seen in 7 months!  That's all I have for now.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Back in Denver, One Last Time


My team and I spent two whirlwind weeks in Oklahoma City, left on Thursday and arrived back in Denver on Friday.  I regret not posting more while I was in OKC, but we were kept pretty busy and my laptop crashed.

Overall, I enjoyed our time there.  When we arrived, the AmeriCorps team we were replacing only had a few hours to train us before they had to leave.  It was a pretty crazy transition, but I think we hit the ground running.  Luckily we weren't alone; we had the help of a Coconino Rural Environmental Corps (CREC) team that arrived around the same time we did.

I was placed working in FEMA's Joint Field Office, and me and two of the CREC folks took over as the new data management team.  We helped manage a database that connects homeowners with needs after the tornadoes to volunteer organizations who want to help.  It involved a lot of data entry, phone calls and dispatching work orders.  It was hard to be in front of a computer screen all day, but I did feel good about what we were doing.  Plus, I was glad to gain some new administrative skills. 

It wasn't until out last day there that I got out to see some of the wreckage.  Specifically, we visited the memorial at Plaza Towers Elementary School.

It was awesome to end my year in the same place I began it: Oklahoma City.  Plus, by chance I had half of my original team, Fire 1, with me!  Láni, Bruce and Nadav.  It felt very full circle.

Now I'm back in Denver for two weeks of out-processing.  It will involve a lot of debriefs, cleaning, packing, paperwork, celebrating, and saying goodbyes.  I'm really looking forward to coming home, and I'm glad I have this time to transition.  

That's all for now!  Hopefully I'll take lots of pictures this week.