Sunday, July 14, 2013

Back in Denver, One Last Time


My team and I spent two whirlwind weeks in Oklahoma City, left on Thursday and arrived back in Denver on Friday.  I regret not posting more while I was in OKC, but we were kept pretty busy and my laptop crashed.

Overall, I enjoyed our time there.  When we arrived, the AmeriCorps team we were replacing only had a few hours to train us before they had to leave.  It was a pretty crazy transition, but I think we hit the ground running.  Luckily we weren't alone; we had the help of a Coconino Rural Environmental Corps (CREC) team that arrived around the same time we did.

I was placed working in FEMA's Joint Field Office, and me and two of the CREC folks took over as the new data management team.  We helped manage a database that connects homeowners with needs after the tornadoes to volunteer organizations who want to help.  It involved a lot of data entry, phone calls and dispatching work orders.  It was hard to be in front of a computer screen all day, but I did feel good about what we were doing.  Plus, I was glad to gain some new administrative skills. 

It wasn't until out last day there that I got out to see some of the wreckage.  Specifically, we visited the memorial at Plaza Towers Elementary School.

It was awesome to end my year in the same place I began it: Oklahoma City.  Plus, by chance I had half of my original team, Fire 1, with me!  Láni, Bruce and Nadav.  It felt very full circle.

Now I'm back in Denver for two weeks of out-processing.  It will involve a lot of debriefs, cleaning, packing, paperwork, celebrating, and saying goodbyes.  I'm really looking forward to coming home, and I'm glad I have this time to transition.  

That's all for now!  Hopefully I'll take lots of pictures this week.

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