Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Last Post


     I am writing my last post today, from my home in Michigan.  I arrived home late Friday night, and was welcomed at the airport by Chris and my family.

     My last week in Denver wrapped up well.  We had a lot of cleaning to do and some meetings to attend, but we also got time to celebrate and say goodbye to each other.  I got to go on one last hike, go downtown one last time, and have a beach day at Boulder Reservoir.  We also had a dinner banquet and a graduation ceremony.  I felt sad to say goodbye to Denver, the mountains, and the friends I've made, but I know I'll see them all again someday.  Plus, I was so happy to come home, and I'm excited for my next adventure... college.

     Here's a video that my teammate Láni made to show our time in Brazos Bend and Oklahoma City.
     And here's a slideshow created by Alisa Hills that played at our graduation, showing snippets from the whole year.  I'm in it a few times.
    And here's the before and after picture of my work boots that I promised at the beginning of the year. =)

     Not as bad as I thought they'd be!  But they've seen a lot.  For people finding this blog who are thinking about NCCC, I hope my posts are helpful to you.  And if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at .  Thanks to everybody who followed my adventures and offered love and support this year. =) You guys are awesome, and made my experience so much better.

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