Monday, October 8, 2012

AmeriCorps Eve

     Tomorrow morning, I leave for Denver and my AmeriCorps NCCC adventure begins!  I fly out at 7:00 a.m. from Gerald R. Ford International Airport.  I can hardly believe it.  I have noticed the time going by and marked it... six months left... one month left... two weeks left.  Despite my countdown, now that the time has come, it hardly seems real.  I've prepared myself in every way that I can.  I've meticulously packed, clean and organized; I've done research on everything from adjusting to Denver's altitude to volunteering for Denver's most interesting nonprofit organizations.  It feels good to know that I've done everything I can, but I know that some things will happen tomorrow and this year in general that I could have never prepared myself for!  I think that is a good thing, though.  I will learn as I go. =)
     I was blessed to have a lot of awesome "See You Later"s (not goodbye's!) with friends and family this week.  (Chris and I had a wonderful one before he left for India!)  My dad was able to have four days off in a row to spend time with me.  I got to go to Art Prize for the first time with my mom, sisters, and friend Maggie.  I got to spend time with my friends at Olivet.  I went out for dinner and ice cream with my family and the wonderful family that I babysit for.  My mom and I got to see my cousins play ball in Portland.  I visited my grandparents.  I went on an awesome adventure with my oldest sister Amy to see Andrea Gibson perform.  I spent time with the lovely Smiths.  I got to help Catie pick out her homecoming dress and be with the Eldridges.  Hanna got to come home this weekend and we're having a sleepover tonight.  There's too much to write!  I'm so thankful for all the time I've gotten to spend with so many great people, and the encouragement they've given me.  There are many people I wish I could have seen one more time, but I know I'll be back and we'll have great times then! 
     I have mixed emotions going into this, but overall I feel good.  I am going to miss my friends and family so much, and it will be a little hard to go somewhere alone where I don't know anyone.  But I know this is what I'm supposed to be doing, and that I will have so many great experiences!  I'll get to travel, serve, learn, meet new people, and do things I've never done before.  It will definitely be an adventure!  It's exciting to be starting a new chapter of my life.  I have loved this last chapter so much, and so far in my experience, each chapter is even better than the last.
     Home, I'll see you later!  Denver, I'll see you soon.

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