Friday, October 26, 2012

Big news!

     In the last few days, I've received a lot of exciting news.  I don't know where to begin!  So here it is, in no particular order.

     Yesterday, I got mail at home from Michigan State University.  I got on the phone with my dad while he opened it for me... It was my official acceptance letter for the Fall of 2013!  I applied to MSU during my senior year and was accepted for Fall of 2012, but when I decided to do AmeriCorps and wait a year, the admissions office had to technically re-review my application for Fall 2013.  I was fairly positive that since I got accepted once, I'd be accepted again... but it still feels good to have official confirmation.  Go green!  (Side note: to anyone viewing this who is considering doing NCCC as a gap year, email me!  I have a lot of advice about navigating through the process of setting things up for AmeriCorps and then college.  It can be done!  Also, serving in NCCC helps you earn an education award to help pay for part of school.)

     My other big news came today; I found out who my primary team leader and teammates are and where my Round 1 project is.  There was a big, fun reveal that was sort of like a scavenger hunt.  It feels so good to know whom I will be with and where I'll be going next!

     My primary team is Fire 1, led by the lovely Lalita and full of great people.  It is called my primary team, not my permanent team, because everything in AmeriCorps is subject to change!  Also, our Round 3 is a "shuffle round" where we pick projects on more of an individual than a team basis, then we serve with people from other teams who picked the same projects.  So unless something crazy happens, I should serve with Fire 1 for Rounds 1, 2 and 4.  They're my little AmeriFamily!  I'm really excited to get closer with them and have this adventure together.  We don't have a team picture yet, but when we do I will post it pronto.

     Our first project will be serving with Habitat for Humanity in Oklahoma City!  We deploy on November 9 after we finish training here in Denver.  We will be living in apartments, so I should still have cell service and hopefully internet.  That's all I really know about my project so far, but I should find out more soon.  I'm really excited to be in a new city and serve with such a great organization.  Tonight I've been on and wikipedia looking up neat things to do in the city.  Do any of you readers know the area and have recommendations?

     That's all of my exciting news!  As far as "normal" life, yesterday I had safety training and media training and today we had orientation with the American Red Cross. NCCC works with them a lot, especially when responding to disasters.  We also will benefit from their training in CPR, First Aid and Shelter Management.

My awesome parents sent me a care package with Halloween decorations and candy, so I tricked (and treated!) out my dorm room!  My bed slides under that shelving unit to create more floor space during the day.  I am getting cozy in Walsh 245... and soon I'll be leaving!  I think that's how this program will go for the most part.  As soon as I get settled in, it will be time to move on.  But at least I'll never be bored!  And I will get to have so many new experiences.  (Kenny, it's hard to see in this picture, but one of those papers taped to my shelf is a drawing you sent me!  Thank you so much!)

Here's the beautiful view from our cafeteria after the first snowfall.  It's mostly melted now.  Can you see the mountains in the distance?

     Love to all!  Thanks for reading. <3

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