Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fire Unit!

     Exciting news... I received a phone call a few days ago that let me know I will be part of the Fire Unit of the Southwest Region!  Don't worry, that doesn't mean I'll necessarily be fighting fires.  There will be almost 300 Corps Members on the Southwest campus, so they break us into four units just to keep things organized.  The names of the units are Earth, Water, Sun and Fire, and they don't have any bearing on the projects you work on, they just provide structure (and are cool names)!  (There is something called the Fire Management Team that corps members have an option to be a part of in which they can choose to focus on fighting and preventing wildfires during their service, but I'm choosing not to do that so that I'll have more varied projects.  Being in the Fire Unit doesn't make me part of the Fire Management Team.)
     Each unit has 7 teams, each led by a Team Leader. They are numbered 1-7, ex: Sun 1, Sun 2, etc. During CTI (Corps Training Institute, my first month spent learning in Denver) I will rotate through different temporary teams within the fire unit so staff can observe how different people work together. At the end of CTI, they'll put the people who work well together and compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses onto regular teams!   To my understanding, my regular team won't necessarily be permanent, but I will at least be with them for my first project and probably (hopefully!) be with them for most of my service.  I've heard that your team kind of becomes a second family to you. =)
    So... there is still a lot about my team I don't know and won't know until the end of October!  But at least going in, I know I'm a part of fire unit, and that narrows down who I will be working with.  I'm really excited to make friends and form special bonds with these people (and everyone else in the Southwest Region!). 

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